If you created YOUr Music, you should FULLY own it and then license it.

You wrote some songs, decided to record them, and you let your friends listen. Maybe you even released your music for the world to hear.

Now what?

You could hope someone hears your songs and “discovers you.” Or, you could organize your band or brand, get your music business in order, and fully monetize the use of your songs!

Code 3 Records Artist Services is all the stuff artists don’t want to do, done for them.


We Provide:

Metadata Organization

Royalty Collection Agency Registration

Monetization/Revenue Streams

Sync Licensing Opportunities

US Copyright Registration

Social Media Marketing Plugs

Features on a Code 3 Records Monthly Spotify Playlist sent to thousands of music fans all over the world!

We Are Artist Friendly & Affordable!

Questionnaire Part 1 helps us learn how we can help you. Click the link and lets get started!


Or feel free to reach out to us with specific questions.

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How Code 3 Records Artist Services works, step-by-step:                         
  • 3 Artist Questionnaires must be completed by the artist. These Artist Questionnaires must be completed at the start of the process before we can move to the next step.

  • Then we begin the songwriter and publisher registrations.

  • After your registrations are completed your music will be regularly submitted to sync licensing opportunities for 12 months.

  • We send our artists emails with frequent updates about where we are in the process. We keep the lines of communication open!

*All selected songs will be added to the C3R music library.

*Keep in mind that every project we work on is unique and tailored specifically to each artist.  

Some more things you should know:
Song Registrations/Music Monetization and Sync Licensing Opportunities are a process, and we can help get you through it!
At the end of the process we show artists how to take control over any future music projects themselves, or we will be available to assist artists with all their future releases 🙂
So How Do I Get My Music Licensed?
It takes more than just a great song for a music supervisor to be willing to use it in a film or TV show. There are a number of factors that determine this, but clearance might be the most important. What is clearance, you say? I’m glad you asked.  Clearance is the ability to use your music in those films and TV shows. Before a song can be utilized in a project, it must be properly registered. That may sound boring, but that is a major reason why many songs cannot be used by music supervisors. Even the slightest “hiccup” in the clearance process can dissuade a music supervisor from using a song, as music supervisors are on very strict deadlines and need to know that they can use a certain song within a day or two; sometimes even hours! They do not have the luxury to email labels, managers, performing rights organizations or the lead singer of a band to make sure all of the song writers registered this particular song properly. Simply put, if there is an issue with “clearing” the song, a music supervisor will move on to find another song that they will be able to easily clear. A better question to ask yourself is: Are my songs ready to be licensed?  Lets answer that next.